found the balls
found the balls
lowkey make your name bigger so no one steals it lol
Like I get it, youre a hentai artists people aren't stealing your arkwork and selling it or using it in their ads. But I get my shit stolen and sold all the fucking time. I have too put my name huge and in the center. Stop commenting on all my artwork and telling me to remove my name now.
Would be better without the text and each character their own piece.
Edit: I meant the huge FF7 text. I dont care where you put your name chump
OH no! someone wants me not to put my name on my art! Not gonna happen chump.
I like how old and young it looks. Very creepy.
Let us discuss how you managed to draw baby yoda way fucking creepier than he is from the show.
I'll start.. Im impressed.
Ouch man... I think he's a little creepy on the show though.
Devil birds just dont care
*smacks lips* pixel link is thicc
read "meme" and instantly understood all this
mother why you no cover head boob?
is good but you wasting candy
Just here to dump my trash. I don't check anything here. If you need me, DM me on X.
Age 89, 100% BEEF
Anal Knight
University of Kekistan
Las Vegas, Nevada
Joined on 3/8/13