I recognize those environmental brushes. neat
I recognize those environmental brushes. neat
Thanks but I only used 2 environmental brushes here. a grass brush and a pinetree brush. the rest of the painting is just done with a hard dry brush and an airbrush lol
Caution, large bust?
The hero we need to stomp out the riots.
Glorious leader would love this. Cant wait to see how this all ends.
I hope he gets voted back in just to see what happens.
I just hope he can be peacefully voted out and that the world won't errupt into chaos but tbh with how 2020's been going November is making me nervous.
..Now kiss..
lol ng should have a way to delete comments
I like but he kind of looks like his head is on backwards. Like his body is facing towards the back but his heads facing the front.
I get destructively hungry sometimes, relatable.
..Now kiss
How I feel during curfew
Just here to dump my trash. I don't check anything here. If you need me, DM me on X.
Age 89, 100% BEEF
Anal Knight
University of Kekistan
Las Vegas, Nevada
Joined on 3/8/13