Needs more tiddys
Needs more tiddys
My friends held me back on expanding tiddy
Head area should be smaller imo. Looks out of balance.
yea i was thinkin the same thing. Just kinda went with it.
The rain looks like an overlay instead of part of the painting. The cylinder above his shoulder should be removed imo.
Bottom half needs to be finished
Your sketch needs to be finished my guy
Ever heard of a sketch my guy
RIP samuel jackson
Laurence Fishburne killed it on All Eyez on Me
Those spider arms are a nice touch. Very spooky
Nice tits
mai and her *girls
Just here to dump my trash. I don't check anything here. If you need me, DM me on X.
Age 89, 100% BEEF
Anal Knight
University of Kekistan
Las Vegas, Nevada
Joined on 3/8/13