left leg aint gonna get him far
I was wondering what that meant, then after a few minutes of looking I realized that it looks like his leg has no thigh. lmao never saw that
is the elbow supposed to be flipped to?
Cant tell if floating head is coming from the book or her belt.
nice pointy bits
His head is fuckin huge and his legs look stubby.. why you do this?
her hands are creepy.. shes also missing tiddys and hips
You basically drew a female with an adams apple
You're a carrot
only gripe is its missing sasuke in the background
Just here to dump my trash. I don't check anything here. If you need me, DM me on X.
Age 89, 100% BEEF
Anal Knight
University of Kekistan
Las Vegas, Nevada
Joined on 3/8/13